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After-School Activity Clubs

After-school activity clubs are available for children in Year 1 to Year 6. 

Places are free, funded by our PE and sports premium, and can be booked through your Arbor account.

Places are allocated for one half-term at a time. 

We will notify parents when the club booking will go live to ensure equal access. Places are available on a first come, first served basis.

Clubs will be delivered by a member of school staff or a member of staff from an outside agency. All outside agency staff are subject to checks in line with safeguarding requirements.

All clubs run from the end of school until 4:15pm.

All children must be collected by an adult.

Autumn 1 Clubs 2024-25

Monday: Year 1-3 Multi-skills

Tuesday: Year 4-6 Football (no session on 8th October due to Parent Consultations)

Wednesday: Year 1-3 Rugby (no session on 23rd October due to Halloween Disco)

Thursday: Year 4-6 Rugby