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Primary School Admissions

Greenside Primary School has a 65 place nursery and can admit 30 children into each year group from Reception to Year 6. The school has adopted the Primary Admissions Policy of Gateshead Council, a copy of which can be found online by using the links below.  The school Nursery Admission Policy is based upon the Local Authority model and can be found in the Nursery section below. Both policies outline the over-subscription criteria used for allocating places.

Reception Admissions and In-Year Transfers

Admissions to Reception and In-Year transfers are controlled by Gateshead Council. Information about how to apply for a Reception place or to transfer mid year, together with the latest policies, can be accessed by following the link below. Alternatively, the School Admissions Team can be contacted on 0191 4332757 or 0191 433 2756 or by email at .

The deadline for applications to the local authority for a Reception place for September 2025 is 15th January 2025. For late admissions, contact the school admissions team.

Nursery Admissions

Admissions to nursery are controlled by the school. We have a 65 place nursery and can accommodate up to 39 children in our morning sessions (first 15 hours) and up to 26 children in our afternoon sessions (full 30 hours).

All children are eligible for 15 hours of free provision provided over 38 weeks (school term time only) from the beginning of the term following their third birthday. We do not offer stretched provision.

In our school, the 15 hours are offered either as five morning sessions (8:55am to 11:55am) or as 2.5 days (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday am or Wednesday pm, Thurs and Friday).

In addition, we offer a further 15 hours of free early education to working parents who meet the criteria set by the government (outlined in our admissions policy). The offer for children eligible for 30 hours is five full days from 8:55am to 2:55pm. 

As our nursery is part of our school learning environment and not a child care setting, we expect children to attend their full 15 hours or full 30 hours offer to support them to make progress through our planned curriculum.

Parents can register their interest in a nursery place via the school office as soon as their child is born. Registration of interest is not a guarantee of a place, but it does ensure that application forms and associated information will be sent to the registered address prior to the academic year in which your child will start nursery.

The application round for the academic year 2025-26 opens in September 2024 and the closing date for applications is 15th January 2025.  Places for the academic year 2025-26 will be offered in March 2025.

All places are allocated in line with our nursery admissions policy. The policy and the application form for nursery places can be accessed below (or can be requested from the school office).

Please return completed applications to the school office.

Parents can make late applications for any remaining places for the academic year 2024-25 by using the policy and application form below.

Any applications received after the closing date will be allocated to remaining places in line with the admissions policy.