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School News

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  • 19/09/24

    Cross-Country 2024

      Today, children from years 1-6 participated in our annual Cross-Country event. The day started with our Year 3/4 races, where after a short walk to the Temp field, the Sports Leaders led the classes through a short warm up before marshalling and encouraging the children around the course...
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  • 19/09/24

    Year 5 Violins (Week 2)

    In just their second violin lesson, Year 5 were very proud to learn how to play two songs using the notes D and A. 
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  • 11/09/24


    Year 6 have been learning about the function of the heart in science today.
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  • 10/09/24

    Violins in Year 5

    Year 5 were very excited to have their first violin lesson today. 
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  • 05/09/24

    Our First Days in Nursery

    We have welcomed back our Nursery children this week, as well as lots of new friends who are enjoying their first few days in school. The children are settling in and enjoying exploring their new indoor and outdoor classrooms. Look at our photos.  
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  • 04/09/24

    Welcome to Year 3!

    Year 3 have been practising their ball skills in PE as part of their tag rugby unit. They worked extremely well in pairs and in small groups. During a music lesson, the children were developing their singing techniques, singing songs that were linked to the Vikings.
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  • 04/09/24

    Welcome to Year 2

    Year 2 have had a good start back at school. We have begun reading the story, The Lonely Beast, and have been acting out parts of the story, making inferences about the characters' feelings. Take a look at some of our brilliant acting skills.    
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  • 04/09/24

    A Crime in Year 5!

    Today, Year 5 arrived at school to find their classroom had become a crime scene!
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  • 04/09/24

    Welcome to Year 1

    Year 1 have been working together to sort objects by colour, size and shape. They had fun discussing how sets of objects could be sorted in more than one way.  See our photos below. 
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  • 04/09/24

    Starting Year 4

    We have enjoyed our first couple of days in Year 4. During our PSHE lesson, we investigated our digital footprint by creating a footprint populated with our online activity. We discussed how to stay safe online and what to do if we needed help. See images below.
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  • 04/09/24

    Year 6 English

    Year 6 have started their first English unit, based upon the book 'Wonder' by R. J. Pallacio.
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  • 04/09/24

    Our First Week in Reception Class

    All the children have settled into Reception class and are enjoying exploring our indoor and outdoor classrooms. Have a look at our photos.  
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