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Year 5 News

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  • 19/09/24

    Year 5 Violins (Week 2)

    In just their second violin lesson, Year 5 were very proud to learn how to play two songs using the notes D and A. 
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  • 10/09/24

    Violins in Year 5

    Year 5 were very excited to have their first violin lesson today. 
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  • 04/09/24

    A Crime in Year 5!

    Today, Year 5 arrived at school to find their classroom had become a crime scene!
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  • 09/07/24

    KS2 Performance

    On Tuesday 9th July, KS2 created a magical day of music to delight their audiences.        
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  • 21/05/24

    Cooking in Year 5

    Year 5 worked as a class to make their very own bolognese sauce. They decided on a healthy alternative recipe to use during the cooking lesson. Year 5 helped to chop the vegetables, add the ingredients and combine everything to make a delicious dish to take home and enjoy.
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  • 01/05/24

    Year 5 Visit to York

    Year 5 have been learning about the Railway Revolution and Vikings in the Autumn and Spring term. The children were very excited about going on the train despite the early morning meeting time!
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  • 26/04/24

    Year 5 Tennis

    Year 5 have been given opportunities to work co-operatively with others as well as independently. They have been able to practise balancing skills using tennis balls and tennis rackets. Their tennis coach has involved the class in a wide variety of skill development in order to play mini-games of te...
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  • 27/01/24

    Northumbria University Visitor

    On Wednesday, Year 5 and Year 6 were visited by Professor Neil Beattie from Northumbria University. Professor Beattie is Professor of Energy Innovation and the Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Northeast Universities. He spoke to the children about careers in sus...
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  • 23/01/24

    Key Stage 2 Lunch Club

    Our fantastic team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors came up with the great idea of creating an indoor lunch club for children who wanted a break from the yard and would like to play with our ambassadors inside. At lunch club, the ambassadors have created a relaxed space in the library where children fro...
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  • 23/01/24

    Years 5/6 Book Club

    In the Autumn term, children from Years 5 and 6 took part in a book club with a science twist to it. The children were reviewing a range of books which we had been given to judge in the Royal Society’s Children’s Book Prize. Over the term, the children read all of the books and awarded t...
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  • 18/01/24

    Year 5 Freeze Frames

    After listening to the story of ‘Erik and the Sea Dragon’, Year 5 worked in groups to create a freeze-frame so that the rest of the class could guess the scene and how the characters must be feeling from their facial expressions. This supported their understanding of the story and helped...
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