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Year 4 Life on the Wall!

In Year 4 this term, we have been learning all about the Romans and what life would’ve been like in Roman Britain. To bring our learning to life, the children were able to visit two Roman forts at Vindolanda and Housesteads. Our morning began with an investigative look around Vindolanda where we were able to experience what life was really like on a Roman fort. After an interesting browse around the museum attached to the fort, it was time for lunch.

After lunch, we took a short journey along the Roman road to Housesteads where we faced the long, uphill walk to the fort. Witnessing this structure first hand was a fantastic way to bring the magnitude and scale of a Roman fort to life. The children then drew comparisons between the two forts and finished the afternoon off with a short film about Roman life.

The children displayed excellent behaviour all day and had a wonderful time.

Please take a look at some of our amazing pictures from the trip.