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Year 4 Coastal Study at Marsden


Yesterday, Year 4 went on a visit to Marsden rock to support their learning during their coasts topic in geography.

We started the day at the top of Marsden Rock before descending the cliff-face stairs to the pebble beach. During our time on the beach, the children investigated the different rock types found in a small sample size and discussed how the coastline was affected by erosion. The children were able to identify the various coastal features available here which brought their classroom learning to life.

After our time on Marsden beach, we climbed back up the stairs and on to the bus. After a short bus journey to Sandhaven beach, the children enjoyed their lunch along the promenade before leaving the coast for our journey back to school.

Throughout the day, the children showed fantastic resilience and perseverance in some challenging weather conditions and represented the school brilliantly. We hope you enjoy looking at the photographs which the children took throughout the visit.