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Year 4 News

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  • 04/09/24

    Starting Year 4

    We have enjoyed our first couple of days in Year 4. During our PSHE lesson, we investigated our digital footprint by creating a footprint populated with our online activity. We discussed how to stay safe online and what to do if we needed help. See images below.
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  • 09/07/24

    KS2 Performance

    On Tuesday 9th July, KS2 created a magical day of music to delight their audiences.        
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  • 23/05/24

    Year 4 Coastal Study at Marsden

      Yesterday, Year 4 went on a visit to Marsden rock to support their learning during their coasts topic in geography.
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  • 23/01/24

    Key Stage 2 Lunch Club

    Our fantastic team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors came up with the great idea of creating an indoor lunch club for children who wanted a break from the yard and would like to play with our ambassadors inside. At lunch club, the ambassadors have created a relaxed space in the library where children fro...
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  • 23/01/24

    Key Stage 2 Anti-Bullying Ambassadors

    During our School Council elections, one of our candidates stated that they would like to set up a group of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. It was lovely to see their idea develop when we set up our very own team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors during Anti-Bullying Week. The children all wrote about why the...
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  • 23/12/23

    Theatre Visit

    The visit to Northern Stage to see Cinderella with Y2 to Y6 on Tuesday was a delight! It was a magical show and a great early experience of the theatre for the children. They found it very funny when the characters clambered among them and enjoyed the interactive elements too. The children’s...
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  • 28/11/23

    Anti-Bullying Week – Make Some Noise!

    The theme of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week was Make Some Noise and during the week we encouraged the children to make some noise by discussing what bullying is, what we can do to make sure bullying doesn’t happen at our school and what the children’s should do if they experience b...
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  • 09/11/23

    Year 4 Life on the Wall!

    In Year 4 this term, we have been learning all about the Romans and what life would’ve been like in Roman Britain. To bring our learning to life, the children were able to visit two Roman forts at Vindolanda and Housesteads. Our morning began with an investigative look around Vindolanda where...
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  • 18/10/23

    Times Table Rock Stars Launch Morning

    Yesterday, Key Stage Two launched Times Table Rock Stars for 2023-24. The children were invited to come to school in their rock star costumes and they all looked brilliant and ready to rock! We started the morning getting warmed up with some Super Movers times table dances in the hall and then br...
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  • 06/10/23

    National Poetry Day

    We celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday 5th October. Each class was given their own poem to read and perform in our National Poetry Day Assembly. The children had great fun learning a wide range of poems: nursery rhymes, limericks, tongue twisters, rhyming couplets, classic poetry and narrativ...
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  • 28/09/23

    KS2 Cross Country

    Yesterday, all children in KS2 took part in our annual cross-country event on the Temp Field. Each session started with a warm-up lead by our fantastic sports leaders, who were confident and clear in their delivery and got the children’s bodies ready for exercise. All Children demonstrated a f...
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