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Year 1 News

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  • 29/02/24

    Year 1 Multi-Sport Festival

    What a fun day Year 1 have had at Gateshead Stadium attending a Disney Multi-Sport Festival. The children took part in lots of different activities, working on their co-ordination skills, throwing and catching and balancing skills.
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  • 28/02/24

    Reception and Year 1 Theatre Visit

    Today Reception and Year one had a very exciting morning with a visit to the Tyne Theatre in Newcastle to watch a performance of ‘The Gruffalo’s Child’. We all thoroughly enjoyed the show. There was lots of audience participation, and we enjoyed spotting all the different characte...
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  • 16/01/24

    Year 1 Design And Technology

    In Design Technology the children have been learning different techniques to join two pieces of fabric together. In this lesson they experimented with glue, pins and staples. The children will use these techniques over the term to create their own hand puppet.   
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  • 20/12/23

    Key Stage 1 Christmas Party

    Today Year 1 and 2 enjoyed their Christmas party. We danced, sang, played games and even had a visit from the Big Man himself!  
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  • 20/12/23

    Key Stage 1 Nativity

    Last week Year 1 and 2 performed ‘It’s A Party’ for their friends and family. Key Stage One children blew the audience away with their fantastic acting and singing. They performed so well and we are incredibly proud of all of them. We hope you all enjoyed the show...
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  • 28/11/23

    Anti-Bullying Week – Make Some Noise!

    The theme of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week was Make Some Noise and during the week we encouraged the children to make some noise by discussing what bullying is, what we can do to make sure bullying doesn’t happen at our school and what the children’s should do if they experience b...
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  • 26/11/23

    Year 1 Village Walk

    In Geography this half term we have been learning about our locality. As part of this unit we went on a village walk around Greenside. The children used their observational skills to identify human and physical features such as houses, the gym and the war memorial. Despite the rain, Year 1 thoroughl...
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  • 26/10/23

    Year 1 Beamish Museum

    In history this term, Year 1 children have been learning about what life was like for their grandparents and great grandparents. As part of this topic, we visited the new 1950s village at Beamish Museum.  We set off by coach on a rather gloomy morning but that didn’t stop us having fun...
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  • 06/10/23

    National Poetry Day

    We celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday 5th October. Each class was given their own poem to read and perform in our National Poetry Day Assembly. The children had great fun learning a wide range of poems: nursery rhymes, limericks, tongue twisters, rhyming couplets, classic poetry and narrativ...
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  • 28/09/23

    Year 1 and 2 Mile Challenge

    Yesterday, Year 1 and 2 took part in a 1 mile challenge as part of our annual cross country event. Children could run 9 laps of the yard which is equivalent to a half a mile or challenge themselves to run 18 for a full mile! All children ran the half mile and some managed the full mile! Both clas...
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  • 21/09/23

    Welcome to Year 1

    The children have quickly settled into the routines of Year 1. Here are some pictures of what they have been up to! In Geography, Year 1 have been learning about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom. After naming and locating the countries, Year 1 challenged themselves to locate Gre...
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